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My daughter started seeing DJ in a hitting slump, in spring 2023, she was 13 at the start.   We had tried another hitting coach previously, with no notable results or connection. 


At our initial session, DJ was patient listening to our concerns, and was thorough in explaining what changes she needed to make.  Her offered the “why”, which was important, so she could understand the logistics behind her swinging.  He started with basic fundamentals, increasing his asks timely and with understanding.  He coached her through every step.  He has also taught her strategy, that she not only uses in the box, but on defense as well - how to read pitches, catchers, and bunts.  All are invaluable for her age group.  


Adding in DJ’s weights and resistance training, my daughter is not only a better batter, but she’s stronger, physically and mentally.  DJ not only provides support and guidance, but also accountability, and confidence.   He genuinely wants his girls to do their best, and cares that they succeed.   


My daughter, now 15, is now hitting to the fence. After every at bat, the first person she wants to make sure knows the outcome, is DJ.   Even if she doesn’t get a hit, she instantly knows what adjustment to make, and where she made the error.   This wouldn’t have been possible without DJ’s coaching. 


Scheduling is also super easy and flexible, with so many time options, no matter the season. DJ offers plenty of sessions each week, and is great to work around busy schedules.


Highly recommend DJ, as we truly believe there is nobody better!

“For the last 3 years, our daughter has gone to DJ for hitting, catching and outfield work. Each year we’ve seen significant progress in her game, and increased confidence on the field. DJ has an intense teaching style that challenges your athlete to grow and develop at each lesson. His tough approach is balanced with being quick to celebrate progress and achievements.  When our daughter experienced a hitting slump, he provided encouragement and worked diligently with her to get through it.  When she turned the corner, she couldn’t wait to tell him.  As a teenager, she’s excited to go to lessons which makes the financial investment an easy decision. If your athlete brings a good attitude, the sky is the limit on what she can achieve. DJ is a pro!”


If you put in the time this is what can happen!! The sky is limit we are super proud of all the hard work and dedication she has put into excelling in this sport.. And she would not have the pitching success if it wasn’t for her pitching coach DJ that we have been committed to solid for 3 years 2 days/week! Can’t wait to see what the future holds ❤️

My daughter was struggling to improve and take the next step with her former pitching instructor and fundamentals taught to her just didn't make sense and my daughter developed forearm and shoulder pain. We switched to Dj and the fundamentals he teaches as well with the strength training he incorporates with each lesson has made my daughter injury fee and the techniques he teaches make sense. I'm lucky to have him working with my daughter with his coaching success and achievements. I STRONGLY recommend him as an instructor . 

 Our daughter started lessons with Dj 2 months ago and we have already seen improvement in her mechanics, knowledge of the game, and confidence. I appreciate Dj's consistent teaching style and structure; it has contributed to out daughter learning how to hit the ball and be a catcher. We recently signed out youngest up to start taking lessons! We look forward to seeing out girls grow in this sport as they implement Dj's teachings. 

We have had the pleasure of working with Dj for a few months  now and I cannot recommend him enough. His expertise in softball pitching is obvious, and he has a unique ability to connect with his athletes, regardless of their skill level. The first time we met with him, he sat my daughter down, got on her level and explained the rules and what was to be expected and I really appreciated that. 
His coahcing style is both encouraging and challenging, which has significantly improved my daughters pitching technique and overall performance. 
One of the standout aspects of Dj's training is his attention to detail. He meticulously breaks down every aspect of the pitching process, from the grip and stance to the follow-through. His feedback is always constructive and delivered in a way that is easy to understand and apply. He also works with your schedule to fine times that work for both of us, whick is really nice.  

I had a coach that coached in the Olymipcs with Barry Bonds and Mark McGwire and also took KU to the College world Series. I had another that has 9 state titles in 20 years. Another is one for the best hgith school football coaches in Kansas. And I always tell people about Dj. I'd go to war for that guy.

Dj has been awesome for my girls, we were doing lessons with out instructors before we found Dj and out girls were stagnant, not getting any better. My wife and I were growing tired of paying money for no results and then we found Dj. His background and knowledge is unparalleled within 2 weeks time my girls improved vs. the 3 months of lessons they were receiving. He had the opportunities to work for elite coaches and fundamentally he is the best. My niece went to Dj years ago and his coaching allowed her to be fundamentally sound when colleges started recruiting her. He pushes the kids to be the best and for that we are thankful!

My son has improved leaps and bounds with his pitching and hitting with Dj. My son went from being cut from his team to making a competitive team in KC. His coaches appreciate the fundamentals taught by Dj. Dj has made my kid mentally touch and I love it. 

Throughout my daughters’ teens I had taken her to several trainers for pitching and hitting lessons and saw no visible growth in her mechanics. I met DJ Carey in 2000 when my daughter was in high school. I began taking my daughter to DJ for pitching and hitting lessons and within a short amount of time she became very successful with her hitting and pitching. My daughter had an amazing high school career and even went on to play some college ball. Several years passed and my granddaughter turned 9. My daughter asked me who she should take her to for hitting and pitching lessons. I said to take her to DJ. My daughter started taking her to DJ and she has now been working with him for 3 years. My granddaughter has been very successful on the mound and swinging the bat. DJ has the ability to explain fundamentals and mechanics that gets the point across to get the best out of the player.
Started @ 8 Years ole
Now 12
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
I was lucky enough to start learning from D.J when I was 15 years old. He was my trainer through highs school and college. D.J. not only was able to teach me fundamentals that would keep me healthy enough to pitch as many games as I wanted (a lot back to back 8-10 a weekend) give me hitting confidence that i was able to go up to bat and have fun, but also the mental toughness and stability it took to love the game.
I now have a daughter who i started up with D.J. after my dad reminding me that my best trainer was D.J. My daughter started with D.J. at age 8. She is currently 12! She is loving the sport and growing with her hitting, fielding, and pitching every month. 
He has thought her how to adjust and be successful and in command of her skills! 

Pitching and Hitting 

DJ worked with my daughter from 10u- through college. Besides fundamental skills and development she learned self confidence, consistency and discipline. She grew into a strong power hitter and developed great spin and control over her pitches. DJ is tough at times but he definitely wants to see his clients succeed. I would and have recommended - Junno G


Players Feedback;

Hitting & Pitching 

I worked with DJ my entire softball career 9-20yrs old. He always pushed me and believed in me. I appreciate his advice and critiques whenever I asked. 

Glad I had the opportunity to work with him for so long. 

  Our boys have improved tremendously under DJ’s guidance. We are so grateful for everything he has done for them. Excited to continue to work with DJ and see their full potential because he will get it out of them. 

Dj really boosted my confidence as a player, and helped me succeed in being an asset for my team. I consistently got on base and got runners to score. Now things have come full circle and my son is also taking lessons where I have watched that same confidence grow while he's learning skills to become a solid baseball player. 

   My daughter has been going to DJ for almost 2 full years pitching! We have seen constant progress with her technique and accuracy as she has learned all 5 of the different pitches at 12 years old! We couldn’t b happier with his dedication and constant support in helping her grow as a pitcher! We highly recommend him if you are looking for someone who loves the sport and has as many years of experience as DJ does! 
 My daughter Brooklyn has been going to DJ Carey for the last 3 years for hitting lessons. His knowledge in softball is a great tool he uses to teach his students. DJ's encouragement and instruction gave Brooklyn a more confident approach at the plate and we have seen remarkable improvements in her hitting. 
 We’ve been with D.J. for 10 months now and the progression in both batting and pitching for both my girls have been great. He’s been able to pinpoint troubled areas and help work through them by combining demonstrations and explanations. D.J. is straightforward and tells it how it is, and is dedicated to help the kids improve. He’s committed and he expects the kids to be as well. 
 DJ not only helped me significantly develop confidence as a player and my skills in pitching and batting, but taught me more important skills, like how to be a good teammate, work with others, and have a positive and hardworking mindset. I aged out of softball a few years ago, but I still apply the life lessons I learned from DJ frequently. I have him and his coaching to thank for making me a more resilient and conscientious person. 
   When I first started with Dj I was not good at all, like I could not throw a strike to save my life. Even though I could not do that, Dj did not give up on me and pushed me to be better. He helped me learn the physical, mental, and technical components of pitching. Now I throw 5 pitches and hardly give up any walks. I’ve been with Dj for 8 years and I could not ask for a better coach. 
    My daughter has been going to DJ for almost 2 full years pitching! We have seen constant progress with her technique and accuracy as she has learned all 5 of the different pitches at 12 years old! We couldn’t b happier with his dedication and constant support in helping her grow as a pitcher! We highly recommend him if you are looking for someone who loves the sport and has as many years of experience as DJ does! 

From Jeff Bruce, father of Landyn Bruce, D-1pitcher at the University of Mississippi, Ole Miss: 

I am writing this to provide my highest recommendation for DJ as a coach for Landyn, a talented and promising young pitcher. Having had the opportunity to observe DJ's coaching skills firsthand, I am confident that he possesses the knowledge, dedication, and passion required to foster significant growth and development in his athletes.

DJ's exceptional coaching abilities are reflected in his deep understanding of the technical aspects of pitching, as well as his ability to effectively communicate and apply this knowledge. His expertise extends beyond simply teaching the mechanics of pitching; he emphasizes the importance of mental preparation, discipline, and teamwork, creating a holistic approach to player development.

Throughout his tenure as Landyn's coach, DJ consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to his growth and success. His coaching methods were tailored to Landyn's specific needs and skill level, allowing for personalized instruction and attention. DJ's patient and supportive approach enabled Landyn to build confidence in his abilities while continuously pushing him to reach new heights.

What truly sets DJ apart is his ability to inspire his athletes to strive for excellence. Under his guidance, Landyn has exhibited remarkable progress in terms of both skill and mindset. DJ's emphasis on setting realistic goals, coupled with his constructive feedback, has instilled in Landyn a sense of determination and a desire to continually improve. As a result, Landyn's performance on the mound has noticeably improved, and he has become a key asset to his team.

Furthermore, DJ's dedication to fostering a positive and inclusive team environment has had a profound impact on Landyn's overall development as a player. Through team-building activities, DJ encourages camaraderie, sportsmanship, and mutual support among players. His leadership has created an atmosphere in which each team member feels valued, contributing to a cohesive and successful team dynamic.

In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend DJ as a coach for Landyn. His expertise, personalized approach, and ability to inspire make him an exceptional coach who is capable of unlocking his athletes' full potential. DJ's dedication to both the technical and personal development of his players is truly commendable. I have no doubt that under his continued guidance, Landyn will further excel as a pitcher and continue to grow as an individual.

Please feel free to contact me if you require any further information. I am more than happy to provide additional insights into DJ's coaching abilities and his impact on Landyn's growth as a pitcher

My daughter has been going to DJ for pitching and hitting lessons for about 2 years and absolutely loves him. He pushes her to work hard and be accountable.  Not only does he teach softball skills, he teaches her skills that she also applies to school and life.  I highly recommend DJ!!

DJ is motivated, hardworking, and the best there is, who knows and loves the game of softball.   He taught me for many years and I improved my skills both in pitching and hitting. I became a better player because of him and I can’t thank him enough. He knows what it takes to make the best players. There is no one better than DJ Carey.

My daughter started pitching when she was 8 so we started lessons that were just once a week.  After her first couple games we realized she was going to need more lessons than that. That’s when we found DJ and started doing lessons 3 times a week. We saw improvements in the 1st month. The structured lessons and the consistency at which we were able to do the lessons made all the difference. 

  We’ve been with DJ for 8 years now. Throughout the years of our busy schedule, DJ has been great with being able to have lessons on a consistent basis. Being available 6 days a week makes it easy to reschedule lessons when needed. Putting in all the work with her in the off season has made my daughter a great pitcher! She not only can throw 6 different pitches on a consistent basis, she rarely gives up walks. 

   A couple years ago she fell into a hitting slump so we starting doing hitting lesson too. They have really improved her swing and her batting average. 

   Over all DJ is a great hitting & pitching coach! We have and will always recommended him to anyone that’s looking to improve their softball or baseball game! 

    -Shannon Adams-Millard 

DJ has such a great knowledge of softball, it’s unmatched. He not only encourages the kids he pushes them to do better with an attitude my child responds well to. My daughter has not only become a better pitcher by attending his lessons but also increased her batting average. I feel that she has grown into a stronger young woman because of the confidence she is experiencing with her pitching and softball skills she has gained while attending his lessons. 
  My son has been going to DJ for hitting lessons for 7 years. He would have been out of baseball years ago if it were not for what he learned and practiced through DJs lessons.
My daughter took both pitching and hitting lessons from D.J. for 6 years. Over this time, he used his knowledge of the game to develop her technique and improve her skill set. D.J. has an innate gift of being able to bring out the best in each athlete. He takes their strengths and uses them to expand their skill set. He also uses their areas of weakness and designs activities to help them grow. He challenges his athletes during every lesson. If you want to send your child to a coach that will develop them to their full potential D.J is the coach for you!
Over the years my son has benefitted from many lessons from D.J. From batting, too pitching to fielding. D.J. has helped him immensely to advance his skill level. D.J. does a great job of communicating and relating to the kids which helps them to focus and remain engaged. I would highly recommend D.J. for lessons. 
Our daughter has gone to D.J. for pitching since January 2020. There were times where it looked like she wasn't going to get it as a pitcher but D.J. told us to be patient. She never gave up and kept at it. It's hard to believe where she was when she started to where she is now. We are a firm believer in D.J. and strongly recommend him to anyone wanting to get into pitching
D.J. is an excellent hitting and pitching instructor. My son and daughter have been going to D.J.'s for lessons for several years. He intentionally teaches the correct fundamentals and techniques to help avoid player injuries in the long run.
My 13 year old son is doing very vell on the mound and at the plate in baseball. My daughter has had several recruiters contact her to play at the collage level.  
"I" took my daughter to D.J. for lessons several years ago and was really pleased with the results. He runs a very professional and efficient program. I am not coaching a 9 year old softball team and he is teaching several of my players and I have seen steady and tremendous improvement since my players started going to him. I would recommend him to anyone in need of a coach. 
My daughter has been taking lessons from D.J. for 4 years. She has learned so much and keeps getting better and better. He's affordable and does an amazing job. I highly recommend him!
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